:: Re: [DNG] frontend GUI implementati…
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Lähettäjä: Nate Bargmann
Päiväys: 2015-08-23 13:14 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] frontend GUI implementation
* On 2015 23 Aug 09:21 -0500, Edward Bartolo wrote:
> Although I have a working Lazarus written frontend, I am getting the
> message, it may not be accepted in Devuan, for the reason it is
> written in Lazarus Pascal. Therefore, I am considering taking the leap
> of trying to rewrite it for GTK2 or GTK3, the implementation language
> being C++.

Edward, if you prefer Lazarus, then use it. A popular amateur radio
logging program is written in Lazarus and won't be disappearing from
Debian any time soon so its support in Devuan should remain available.

> However, this is a high hurdle for me, and I cannot be confident I
> even succeed.

You are writing the code. Write it in whatever language you are
comfortable with. Others can translate if they deem it necessary. What
is more important is the end result and the problem that you solve.

> In the case of opting to use GTK2 or GTK3, I will need an IDE to
> create the graphical interfaces.

It seems as though GTK is a dead end. I say that even though I maintain
a small amateur radio application that uses GTK2 and is written in C.
When Debian drops support for GTK2 (and they will at some point under
pressure from the GNOME cabal), then that package may leave Debian but I
will not undertake porting it to GTK3 which, by rights, should not be
called a "toolkit". At that time I may consider FLTK, but that requires
C++ and I may just drop the thing or keep it available as a statically
compiled program for myself and others.

The reason so many languages exist is because not everyone thinks or
approaches solving a problem in the same way. Continue with what you
are most comfortable with.

- Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true."

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