Skribent: Riccardo Boninsegna Dato: 2015-08-22 07:54 -000 Til: aitor_czr CC: dng Emne: Re: [DNG] Problem with debhelper
Il 22/ago/2015 10:40 AM, "aitor_czr" <aitor_czr@???> ha scritto: > the resulting packages were all empty! This was due to the fact that the latest release is located in /usr/local, so i had to comment with some
lines in the dh_usrlocal script
Well, packages are not supposed to put anything in /usr/local (so it can be
used as an alternate root folder for non-packaged software and avoid
replacing files with the same name);
If that program's source has a ./configure program, you may be able to fix
the problem by adding this argument → --prefix=/ ←
(Don't ask me how to do have dpkg-buildpackage do that, though!)