:: Re: [DNG] [Dng] Packaging system
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Autor: jfmxl
Data: 2015-08-20 10:38 -000
A: Rainer Weikusat
CC: dng
Assumpte: Re: [DNG] [Dng] Packaging system
On 2015-08-20 18:09, Rainer Weikusat wrote:
> Martinx - ジェームズ <thiagocmartinsc@???> writes:
>> I just saw this "Ubuntu Snappy" news today...
>> And immediately I remembered about this thread...
>> "Build system smart / Packaging dumb"
>> http://blog.liw.fi/posts/debian-developing-it-wrong/
>> Do we talked about this:
>> www.ubuntu.com/snappy
>> https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/tutorials/build-snaps/
>> https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/packaging-format-apps/
>> Or, at least, something like this?
> Could you perhaps elaborate on what exactly you're up to? People have
> been bitching about the 'mess' created by integrating different
> packages
> into a unified system and make them use shared infrastructure, eg,
> libraries, for aeons, presumably, since the concept of 'shared objects'
> was introduced by Sun in 1988. Especially people used to doing
> commercial development for Windows.

I didn't follow the ubuntu links, and I don't know anything about the
'debian/rules' and packaging other than what's explained by the debian
veteran in his paper ... and it sounded good to me.

As a refugee from systemd I'm investigating gentoo as well as devuan and
frankly, the source distribution is looking - potentially - very
attractive. The author above is talking about sources. I say attractive,
because I'm 2 or 3 days into my first gentoo install and I haven't yet
got x11 running.

I did take a break from my 'new' machine install to install a gentoo
specialization named lil blue in a qemu vm on my old machine and it went
great ... just the kind of thing that the author above ... Lars
Wirzenius ... is talking about.

As I say, I know next to nothing about the inside of debian, and less
about gentoo ... I've run caldera, redhat, ubuntu, debian over the past
twenty years ... Sys V and Xenix before that ... with the switch to
debian when ubuntu started calling home at v12, I think ... and it's
finally dawned on me that the 'big boys' are trying to morph linux into
microsoft or google or you pick the metaphor for top down catastrophe. I
think back to sources with the energy put into the build system will be
the salvation of open source software ... if it is saved.

But I'm definitely just another bozo on the bus. What do I know?

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