On Monday, August 10, 2015 08:15:20 AM Rainer Weikusat wrote:
> I'm not convinced that there is any 'overarching problem':
All I meant was that Debian and Devuan have the same problem. It could be
resolved by changing their packaging policies slightly. The whole reason that
Devuan exists is because of Debian's packaging policy.
> Debian
> claims to support "43,000 packages" of easily installable software. This
> confuses some people into believing the only possible way to build a
> usuable system based on Debian but with making some different policy
> descisions MUST be to start with creating 43,000 forked packages which
> all have to be modified manually.
I am entirely uncertain of what you are talking about. In fact, I think that
Devuan should support a functional subset simply to reduce workload.
> But this is almost certainly not the case as even a thorougly evil
> Debian team would simply lack the manpower to make '43,000 packages'
> depend on systemd in a way that wouldn't be easily
> removable.
Evil? What? I have no idea what you are talking about. Debian's only
interest is doing what they think is best for their own distribution.