著者: T.J. Duchene 日付: 2015-08-08 13:07 -000 To: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] Unmingling kdbus and the Linux kernel
On 08/08/2015 05:36 AM, Rainer Weikusat wrote: > to 'use of systemd', there are things which sound like they were to fear
> more seriously, ie, the stated intention of at least one kernel
> maintainer (Tejun Hejo, spelling probably wrong) that he wants to "break
> userspace" in order to turn cgroups "into a private property of
> systemd".
I really do not think that you have anything to seriously worry about.
Every FOSS programmer ever born has their particular pet projects,
thinking that they know better than everyone else. The community as a
whole has a vested interest in *not* breaking the Linux userspace for
the sake of one person's vanity project. (You might argue that systemd
does that. 90% of the Linux community does not think so.) A broken
Linux userspace means that huge amounts of code would have to be
changed, and you can bet with some certainty that it is not in the best
interests of the wider majority to tolerate that kind of disruption.
I can't see how cgroups would become "a private property of systemd"
without a serious kernel rewrite.
As for the rest, I can't imagine it being a huge problem. Cgroups are a
Linux specific process feature, which actually has very little affect on
userspace outside of some Linux specific utilities that use it, like
systemd. Cgroups not part of the POSIX standard, so the vast majority
of the FOSS software does not use the feature at all.