:: Re: [DNG] Init scripts in packages
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Skribent: T.J. Duchene
Dato: 2015-08-07 19:29 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Init scripts in packages
>James Powell Thu, 06 Aug 2015 01:02:56 -0700

>Currently Debian packages contains both systemd units and init scripts.
>However, Debian developers refused to support several init systems. So it's
>only a matter of time when they remove init scripts from packages.What will
>Devuan developers do when it happens? We can use sysvinit and Devuan because
>these init scripts exist

Honestly? I think that it is a "no brainer" as my brothers would say. I do
agree, but with a proviso. I think that System 5 init scripts will disappear
from Debian packages while systemd becomes the Debian standard.

Please do not think badly of me when I say this, but the subject has been
"beat to death" many times in the past on the DNG list.

On many occasions I've commented that I think init scripts should be provided
entirely separate from the other files that Debian bundles them with, so that
the user might select whatever init they want to use. I see no technical
reason why Devuan cannot detect whatever init is installed and then select the
appropriate init scripts as a package or meta-package.

The majority of the repository is applications - which have nothing to do with
the init process, so it would only be a limited number of upstream Debian
packages that would have to be modified or replaced in this way.