Autore: Miles Fidelman Data: 2015-08-07 14:10 -000 To: dng Oggetto: Re: [DNG] Init scripts in packages
Rainer Weikusat wrote: > Miles Fidelman <mfidelman@???> writes:
>> Alexey Rochev wrote
>>> *Date: *2015-08-05 07:29 -400
>>> *To: *dng
>>> *Subject: *[DNG] Init scripts in packages
>>> Currently Debian packages contains both systemd units and init scripts.
>>> However, Debian developers refused to support several init
>>> systems. So it's
>>> only a matter of time when they remove init scripts from packages.
>>> What will Devuan developers do when it happens? We can use sysvinit and
>>> Devuan because these init scripts exist.
>> It occurs to me that nobody raised the obvious questions:
>> 1. Are we seeing upstream developers shipping systemd scripts, or
>> systemd scripts w/o sysv init scripts? I'm not sure I have.
>> 2. What the heck are Debian developers (packagers, actually), doing
>> removing init scripts?
> There's an answer to that and it's "it doesn't matter" (I tried to point
> that out in an earlier reply). On the wheezy system I'm using to write
> this, 'init scripts' make up 6789 LOC, nobody has the power to make them
> disintegrate and I'd be very much surprised if there are more than 2000 LOC
> in there which actually do something useful. Actually, I expect
> yes. init scripts should be trivial and if they're not, something else
> is amiss.
Well... it kind of does, if the idea is to leverage Debian package repos
as much as possible.
Right now, init script come from upstream, Debian "developers" (I really
can't bring myself to call a packager a developer) test & tweak the
upstream scripts to fit the Debian environment. If they stop doing
that, someone is going to have to do that for Devuan.
Worse, if "refuse to support multiple init systems" means that the
Debian packagers start stripping out the init scripts from Debian
packages, those, those packages become useless in Devuan. (Note: I did
a little checking re. packages re. code that I use - postfix doesn't
seem to ship systemd files, nor does sympa; Apache puts its systemd
support in a module; mysql has to compiled -WITHSYSTEMD --- judging from
that small sample, it seems to me that we're going to see more and more
Debian packages that won't work with other init systems).
Miles Fidelman
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra