Adam Borowski wrote on 23/07/15 07:45:
> systemd-shim still means systemd. Devuan is supposed to fix this, but in
> the meantime -- or if you prefer staying with Debian proper -- you can use
> my repository of deinfested packages:
> jessie:
> deb nosystemd main
> unstable/stretch:
> deb nosystemd-stretch main
> If some package you want is missing, please let me know -- I deinfest them
> only when I encounter something that tries to pull systemd into my system,
> which means I have no exposition to, for example, the Gnome world.
Thanks for these, I'll give them a try.
Another headache coming up is the migration to gcc-5 for building
packages, and all the KDE/Qt related packages that are slowly being
rebuilt with gcc-5.