:: Re: [DNG] Unmingling kdbus and the …
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Autor: Gregory Nowak
Data: 2015-08-03 18:07 -000
A: dng
Assumpte: Re: [DNG] Unmingling kdbus and the Linux kernel
On Mon, Aug 03, 2015 at 02:34:52PM +0100, Edward Bartolo wrote:
> I was of the impression, that to modify the kernel, a PhD was a must.

Where did you get such an impression? The only things you need to
modify the kernel are the ability to program in c, a sufficient
understanding of kernel internals, and acceptance of your modification
by the kernel maintainers if you choose to submit it. All of these are
possible without a PhD, and having a PhD doesn't guarantee the holder
is capable of any of those.

> I cannot be blamed for this impression, as I am an EU citizen, which
> has been agressively pushing for more qualifications of its work
> force. The extent of this drive, is that anybody who holds no
> qualificatios, is paid a misery compared with those who hold any
> qualification, whatever that happens to be. Where I live, the policy
> is, if you have no qualifications, you do not deserve to do anything
> apart from humble unskilled manual work.

Yes, this does seem to be the trend these days unfortunately. The only
ways to escape it seem to be to have rich parents, or to have enough
ingenuity to raise enough capital to go into business for yourself,
thereby telling the corporate hamster wheel you want no part in they're
rat race.

> So, please forgive me.

No need for you to apologize the way I see it. Ok, back to discussing devuan.


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