Autore: Rainer Weikusat Data: 2015-08-03 08:03 -000 To: dng Oggetto: Re: [DNG] Unmingling kdbus and the Linux kernel
Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> writes: > I would like someone from Devuan to reply how Devuan DDs are going to
> rid the Linux kernel when kdbus becomes integrated in it. I am finding
> this latest news a heavy blow below the belt, as the kernel is usually
> reserved for highly qualified and highly skilled coders.
A completely different remark: What you find in the kernel (or any other
software) is code and not coders and someone being "highly qualified and
highly skilled" (whatever this is supposed to mean precisely) is not the
same as "all code written by said someone will be of high quality" and
what precisely constitutes "code of high quality" is very much a matter
of opinion (and many opinions people hold on such topics are not exactly
perfectly rational). Eg, the people working on kdbus certainly consider
it code of high quality (and everyone who things otherwise a dimwit
whose opinion doesn't matter or someone with a nefarious, hidden agenda
whose opinions ought to be ignored because they're just blinds, anyway)
and the other party - compose of exactly the same kind of beings
commonly known as humans - sees this in exactly the same way, just with
a different sign.
The issue is somewhat more complicated than one which can be worked out
in a sensible way by chosing a side and pelting the enemy with missiles
until they give in.