:: Re: [DNG] A better default windows …
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Skribent: Isaac Dunham
Dato: 2015-07-29 04:07 -000
Til: Steve Litt
CC: dng
Nye-emner: [DNG] nlmon (was: A better default windows manager)
Emne: Re: [DNG] A better default windows manager
On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 11:18:58PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
> You can roll your own automount with one day's work using inotify-wait,
> dmesg, sudo, lsblk, and the mount command. Works without X or window
> manager. Heck, I'll do it myself if more than 20 people want it.

Or you can do it with mount, sudo, sh, and nlmon (http://git.r-36.net/nlmon).

Here's a demo of how to do it:

./nlmon -f block | { \
  while read LINE
      case "x$LINE" in
        (xACTION=*|xDEVNAME=*) eval $LINE
    (x) if [ "x$DEVNAME" != "x" ]
        echo "automount $DEVNAME $ACTION"
              unset ACTION DEVNAME

Only instead of echo automount ..., you would use your mount helper
(pmount, sudo mount, ...)

nlmon reqires only libc-dev, linux-libc-dev, and a working make and
I will note, however, that you currently need to make one small change
in nlmon.c before compiling it:
change "write(0," to "write(1,".

This example can be run from a user session; if one prefers, the automounter
could be replaced with a popup or anything else.

Isaac Dunham