:: Re: [DNG] GTK (was Will there be a …
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Skribent: Didier Kryn
Dato: 2015-07-24 10:03 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] GTK (was Will there be a MirDevuan "WTF"?)
Le 24/07/2015 07:14, T.J. Duchene a écrit :
> C and C++ are both strongly typed, so I am assuming that he must be
> referring to GTK using a pointer in C presumably to dynamically handle
> function names and data for polymorphism. He can't help it if GTK is
> sloppy, but I can't make sense of his grievance either. Type checking
> is never C's job, it's his! That is explicit in the design of the
> language. Everyone who uses C knows that. C++ is the same for that
> matter. Neither language checks your variable data for type.

     Hey T.J., you seem to contradict yourself when saying "C and C++ 
are strongly typed" and "Type checking is never C's job." :-)

     Actually, yes, C and C++ are typed, but weakly. They silently do 
type conversion in pretty much every instruction. One assumes the 
programmers knows it and takes care...

     What are your preventions against OOP for graphics? Is it against 
OOP in general?

     I imagine the reason why Glib was written in C is because binding 
to other languages is easier with C than C++.

     Have a good day.