Autor: T.J. Duchene Fecha: 2015-07-23 07:35 -000 A: dng Asunto: Re: [DNG] Multi-seat on Devuan,
do we actually need that useless curiosity?
On 7/23/2015 12:01 AM, miro.rovis@??? wrote: > Because, prove me wrong. Miro, I truly wish you well, but feel no need to prove anything to you.
> Often the surveillors most used tools, since otherwise they wouldn't
> be able to follow their targets, is exactly multiseats. They see,
> sitting in their bunkers, which public at large has mostly never any
> notion about, and thanks to stuff like dbus, multiseat, pulseaudio
> (pulsoaudio was designed by those tools of the one-Ring-cravers for
> eavesdropping!), and surely systemd goes to perfection in bulk
> collection and worse!...
> They see, sitting in their bunkers, their target's every move, every
> move! On their screen, replicated what the torget does. In real time!
> And most of them wouldn't be able to follow their targets without such
> aides, because they're not all experts, really. A little harder
> following their tagets without any poetterware. A disclaimer: fine,
> the spies following targets, fine! When we really talk terrorists and
> criminals, you should follow those, I approve of that! But for the
> love of God, not wholesale surveillance on the general population,
> please! Regards!
The reason we prefer FOSS to proprietary code is that the source code is
open. You should never infer such things about other people and their
contributions to FOSS without proof, which you can easily get. If you
have proof of these things, please post the relevant portions of the
source code so that I might see these things, and offer you my deepest
thanks. Until you have real proof, baseless rumor and innuendo damage
people's reputations for no reason. It is wrong, and it is in very poor
taste. Without proof, no one will take you seriously, and rightly so.