Lähettäjä: Martin Steigerwald Päiväys: 2015-07-22 07:26 -000 Vastaanottaja: Dng Aihe: [DNG] Please stop posting random links to hacked web sites
Okay, I tried to do this off list, but I now found the second occurence of
this already:
Please do not about every hacked web site you read about. Especially not a
link to it. I bet there are tons of web sites hacked each day even if you
don´t hear about every single one. And whether this is at all related to
systemd… so far I am not aware of any single successful attack related to a
security hole in systemd.
You basically give them public advertisement which can lead to additional
clicks. I think this is not approbiate for this list.
In my oppinion it is also totally off topic.
Please stop.
Does this list have a netiquette? If so, I ask for this to be included: No
adverstising for random websites.
If you really want to recommend Devuan to them, do it directly with them.
And if you want to discuss the opportunity to position and market Devuan as
a secure webserver OS please do it in a generic way. And include only some
example links about the hackeries themselves (i.e. from news sites), and not
to the sites. Also please do it in one thread that is easy to ignore.
I really do not which to links to random websites. That is what spam mails
are about. So please stop.