:: Re: [DNG] Newbie's lennard-gnomed <…
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Lähettäjä: James Powell
Päiväys: 2015-07-20 22:10 -000
Vastaanottaja: Martin Zatroch, dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] Newbie's lennard-gnomed </rant>
The PC-BSD system-BS-D was an April Fools joke.

However, launchd is a completely different beast than systemd is. Launchd is more akin to SMF on Solaris/Illumos and s6 on GNU/Linux being init and service supervisors only, which are forward thinking.

They still require other daemons to manage the system, but cleanly provide hooks for existing services to work with without reconstituting everything from the ground, up, or just let the daemon work as intended separately.

I wouldn't mind launchd or SMF. They're doing init correctly, not ass backwards.

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Martin Zatroch<mailto:zatroch@riseup.net>
Sent: ‎7/‎20/‎2015 4:48 PM
To: dng@???<mailto:dng@lists.dyne.org>
Subject: [DNG] Newbie's lennard-gnomed </rant>

Just to illustrate how the lennard-gnomed ideas creep ....

"U can't be serious":
0.| http://blog.pcbsd.org/2015/04/huge-announcement-for-pc-bsd/

"And now for sth completely different":
1.| '20150629: The TrueOS fork of FreeBSD 10 has launchd running as init
and a JSON-aware launchctl utility, along with notifyd, libdispatch and
ASL integrated. This work has also been forward-ported to FreeBSD
-CURRENT. FreeNAS 10, which is also based on FreeBSD 10.1, will be using
launchd and a host of other tools ported from OS X / iOS. It has used
the original, and latest, Apple sources and ported them along with MACH
IPC.' - via https://wiki.freebsd.org/launchd &&

"Who could have though of that":
2.| https://www.haiku-os.org/blog/axeld/2015-07-17_introducing_launch_daemon

"Spy vs. Spy":
3.| 'At this time, there are no commercial requirements for the use of
SIMP outside of the purchase of Red Hat Enterprise Linux licenses as
applicable.' - via
(notice e.g.

"Demystifying systemd - 2015 Red Hat Summit":
4.| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9YmaNuvw5U

"XKEYSCORE runs on":
5.| http://techrights.org/2015/07/08/red-hat-nsa/

Some extras ...

"The Half-Life of the Linux (as in kernel) Community a.k.a. Headcrab":
00| http://sysadmin.tme520.net/systemd-our-songs-of-innocence/

"James Clapper complains":

"Listen to what MinceR from the IRC has to say":

A bonus .. (=

"8-bit Commodore64 sweetness":

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Footnote: I cannot appreciate enough the veteran Unix admins' wisdom, so
am just quietly lurking. Plan9 FTW && http://git.2f30.org/sinit/ !=
https://gnu.org/software/dmd/ =P

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