:: Re: [DNG] Proposed defaults changes
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Skribent: T.J. Duchene
Dato: 2015-07-19 16:52 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Proposed defaults changes
Hi, everyone! =)

With all this discussion about changes, I'd like to make sure that the UNIX guru/programmer is represented. I've mentioned this before, and I hate repetition - BUT - I feel it is important enough that it should be stated separately so that it is not overlooked. All this discussion about replacing defaults concerns me that someone might inadvertently break some standards that they are unfamiliar with. Yes, before anyone says anything, I already know that Linux does not entirely comply with POSIX standards, and deliberately breaks it in places.

I just do not want to see any "Linuxisms" and breakage compounded further. Systemd everywhere is bad enough. When I say that, I am not saying that Systemd breaks POSIX. It technically doesn't. It does, however, break scripts on occasion; in spite of arguments by the systemd developers that does not. I'm hoping that Devuan does not make similar mistakes while moving in a different direction.

I do not think anyone cares WHAT the default changed to is as long as Devuan has vi and other "old school" tools installed by default to comply with the POSIX standard.

Thanks and have a wonderful day!
