:: Re: [DNG] Proposed defaults changes
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Autor: Nextime
Datum: 2015-07-19 15:23 -000
To: dng
Betreff: Re: [DNG] Proposed defaults changes
On July 19, 2015 7:07:09 PM CEST, Renaud OLGIATI <renaud@???> wrote:
>On Sun, 19 Jul 2015 18:53:11 +0200
>Didier Kryn <kryn@???> wrote:
>>      I agree with you that, if an editor is as small and more
>> and self-explanatory than Nano, it can be a good choice. But let's
>> complicate the problem by envisionning too many combinations. The 
>> proposed alternative was:
>>      1) have nano and vi installed and nano as the default, like in
>>      2) have vi only

>I fail to see the problem:
>If I want to use vi, I invoque $ vi
>if I want to use nano, I invoque $ nano
>The problem only arioe when I was sent to a rescus console, and $ vi
>does not start anything, probably in hindsight because I have /usr on a
>separate partition, and vi is unavailable in such a case.
>And of course at the time I did not know about nano...
>         Les Américains commettront toutes les conneries imaginables;
>                  et même celles auquelles on ne pense pas.
>                                         -- Général Charles de Gaulle

>                   -- http://www.olgiati-in-paraguay.org --

>Dng mailing list

The issue, for me, is that after install i have to remove nano,or at least change the $EDITOR env var. I don't like to find nano when i do a crontab -e or a visudo.

Anyway, the solution is already established, nothing will change in jessie, for ascii a menu will permit to choose the default editor, vim-tiny will be installed in any case.
