:: Re: [DNG] devuan LTS
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Auteur: KatolaZ
Datum: 2015-07-17 09:19 -000
Aan: Noel Torres
CC: dng
Onderwerp: Re: [DNG] devuan LTS
On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 09:09:10AM +0000, Noel Torres wrote:


> >It sounds like Slackware, and there is a clear reason why I have been
> >using Debian and not Slackware. I believe that the
> >stable-testing-unstable-experimental organisation is working already
> >fine. We can discuss whether we have the possibility (and the
> >resources) to provide long-time support releases, but if you guys want
> >to make a Slackvuan, then don't count me in.
> I think the plan is FIVE branches:
> +experimental (always experimental, packages migrate to development)
> +development (always development, packages migrate to testing, gets
> cloned into testing on stable release)
> +testing (transforms into stable on release)
> *stable (transforms into oldstable on release)
> +oldstable (disappears on release)
> I think the support given to stable + oldstable is enough for
> business needs: it may be 2+2 years!

Oh yes, you are right, I forgot oldstable, which at the moment is
supported for one year after the release of the new stable. Just for
the sake, I think it is worth quoting what is said in the FAQ about
oldstable in Debian Wiki:

"Q) How long will security updates be provided?

The security team tries to support a stable distribution for about one
year after the next stable distribution has been released, except when
another stable distribution is released within this year. It is not
possible to support three distributions; supporting two simultaneously
is already difficult enough."

So, Debian (with nearly 1000 developers) acknowledges that already
supporting *two* distributions (stable + oldstable) is the most that
they can handle. How do we think we can handle 4 or 5 distributions in
parallel, as James seems to propose, when we don't have the first beta
out yet?



[ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ --- GLUG Catania -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ me [at] katolaz.homeunix.net -- http://katolaz.homeunix.net -- ]
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