:: Re: [DNG] dng@lists.dyne.org
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Autor: Gregory Nowak
Datum: 2015-07-17 01:01 -000
To: dng
Betreff: Re: [DNG] dng@lists.dyne.org
On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 06:18:09PM -0500, T.J. Duchene wrote:
> If I might say so, I think that Devuan's short-term goal should be to
> get a release out as soon as possible, as close to Debian Jesse as
> possible.

I agree with James and T.J. here. Devuan 1.0 should be debian 8 sans
systemd. As for which init system to use, I vote for sysvinit with
sysvinit scripting. This is what folks coming to devuan from debian
wheezy will be familiar with, and I know that's what I would expect to
find when installing/upgrading to devuan from wheezy. Those who want
other init systems should know how to install them without having them
forced on those of us who prefer what we're used to.

> After that, I think that Devuan should focus on what would be needed to
> provide user choice for the next release. This is just my opinion, but
> I think that Devuan should pursue the goal that Ian Jackson left Debian
> over: making sure that the user can use whatever init they choose: be
> it System V, OpenRC or Systemd.

Agreed. I would substitute the word init above with words like editor,

> In order to do that, I suspect a new practice for packaging will be
> needed, where daemons are packaged for each, and then chosen via a
> meta-package checking which you have; or where the startup scripts are
> packaged separately for each and then selected automatically to be
> installed with the binary, depending on what is installed on the
> system.

Makes sense.


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