Autor: Patrick Erdmann Data: 2015-07-16 15:46 -000 A: dng Assumpte: Re: [DNG] vi for beginners
Is this still the mailinglist which is about the OPERATING SYSTEM devuan?
On 16.07.2015 16:39, Rob Owens wrote: > I noted some people saying they were confused by vi. Here are basic
> instructions to get you far enough that you can install your editor of
> choice. I am deliberately leaving out things like cutting and pasting.
> If your goal is just to get a different editor installed, these
> instructions should suffice.
> Note that many distros symlink /bin/vi to some other vi-like editor
> (vim-tiny, for instance). I am attempting to give instructions for
> the most basic vi.
> 1) To edit a file, type:
> vi /etc/apt/sources.list
> Note: vi starts in "command mode". You cannot insert text in this
> mode.
> 2) Use cursor keys to navigate. If they don't work in your version
> of vi, use the keys h, j, k, and l to navigate.
> 3) The "x" key is used to delete.
> 4) Hit "i" to go into insert mode. The Insert key may also work.
> Typing at this point inserts text. The delete and backspace keys
> may not work (depends on the version of vi).
> 5) Hit Escape to leave insert mode and enter command mode.
> 6) Type the following, followed by hitting <enter>, in order to save
> and quit:
> :wq
> The colon indicates that you are entering a command. "w" is short
> for "write", and "q" is short for "quit".
> 7) To save without quitting, use this command:
> :w
> 8) To save as a different filename, use this command:
> :w /path/to/myfile
> 9) To quit without saving, use this command:
> :q!
> The exclamation point indicates that you know you have unsaved
> changes, but you want to quit anyway. Without it, vi will refuse
> to quit if there are unsaved changes.
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