:: Re: [DNG] I am not using systemd an…
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Συντάκτης: Miles Fidelman
Ημερομηνία: 2015-07-16 11:57 -000
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] I am not using systemd and plan to avoid it
Let's not get carried away here. The poll has a rather small sample
size, and probably not representative of the full universe of *nix
users. Then again, distrowatch visitors are probably more knowledgeable
users - and are probably more likely to be looking for a new distribution.

Miles Fidelman

Michael Bütow wrote:
> dng-request@??? wrote on 16/07/15 03:39:
>> Re: [DNG] I am not using systemd and plan to avoid it
> Happy to say that after I voted it was 633 users "for" and 634 "against"
> (not planning to use it).
> Due to the construction of the poll, the "plan to avoid" figure includes
> those of us who will be forced to use it anyway due to work requirements
> etc.
> I feel the poll would be better if it had a more explicit option "I am
> not using systemd and do not want to, but am forced to use it at work".
> This would give a clearer indication of the "coercion factor".
> Michael
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