:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Happy (Bank) Holiday…
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Συντάκτης: Caleb James DeLisle
Προς: System undo crew
Αντικείμενο: Re: [unSYSTEM] Happy (Bank) Holidays - Varoufakian Economics and UBI
Well "my freedom" in the USA was something I left behind about 1.5 years
ago and I never looked back. I walked away from crackheads and herion adicts
wandering around, needles on the sides of the road, people screaming at
eachother in neighboring apartments, no jobs, no money, no oppertunities
except in the army or police department.

I remember watching an old man driving up in the family car and pick through
the garbage in front of the house - collecting soda cans.

The recession in America began in the 1970's and by the early 2000's left
an empty desert - and the cactus which would grow there would be Walmart.
Walmart rose to power from the recognition that after the loss of any hope
of self-betterment, people could still deaden the pain by "getting a deal"
and so began the flow of ever-cheaper products made in near slave conditions.

After Afghanistan, junk hit the streets again for the first time since
Viet Nam and small-town bank robberies and other despiration-crime exploded.

At the end of the day, with all the talk about liberal economics and
self-betterment, there are actually people measuring these things. If the
system really isn't rigged to keep the rich rich and the poor poor, then
there must be instances of the poor becoming rich or the rich becoming poor.

This is called Inter-Generational Income Mobility, and the sad truth is that
in countries where the money is concentrated - the poor stay poor forever.

On 16/07/15 11:07, Javier wrote:
> El 16/07/15 a las 09:55, Caleb James DeLisle escribió:
>> But maybe they're right, maybe economics really is easy, maybe all of the
>> economists in the world are over-thinking the problem and all we have to do
>> is get rid of the state and all will be well. If this is the case, perhaps
>> you know of a place which actually did this and where it actually worked.
> Actually, yes, I'm going to say USA, but before that, there are many
> small countries that are more or less liberal, and the more liberal they
> are, the better.
> Scientifically, you just can compare the level of socialism with the
> level of liberalism, and you'll find without exception that more liberal
> countries are leading the top.
> In Europe, we have Switzerland as a clear example. We also had a VERY
> CLEAR and scientific demonstration of the great differences between
> socialist and liberal economics and social politics: the two germanies
> before the fall of The Wall. I recommend you to study that if you are so
> interested. While in one side of Germany they lived very well, at the
> level of the rest of west european countries (except Spain, that had a
> socialist dictatorship similar to Hitler for 40 years), the other was
> really poor and influenced by the socialism coming from Russia.
> You can also look at Russia itself. Don't forget Cuba too, which 50
> years ago they had an average incoming per habitant superior to USA and
> now they are extremely poor (they earn around $50 a month).
> Of course, look at China, in which everything must be negotiated with
> the communist party, and while the country itself is the second power in
> the world, the people are extremely poor and very much maintained into
> very deep ignorance by the control of the media.
> And look at Venezuela, while it was a country that was emerging and
> going good (with corruption, yes, but improving), it is now loosing 7%
> of its economy every year, and has and inflation of 100% anual.
> Do you think these examples are evidence enough to support the theory
> that socialism not only does not work, but it is an involution in fact?
> Do you know of any liberal dictatorship if that is even remotely
> possible and how is it going?
>> In the USA, people will answer unequivicolly that it is the USA. This is a
>> country where the elite, the 1% of the people controlling 95% of the wealth,
>> have established themselves as a de-facto shadow government. Capitalists to
>> the core, they have created markets to buy and sell public opinion through
>> access to broadcast mediums, markets for the buying and selling of public
>> policy and even markets to buy and sell price fixing and non-compete
>> agreements... Markets of monopolies.
> While I do agree with this, you should compare that kind of shadow
> goverment with the shadow goverment of China. This conversation would be
> totally imposible in China. You are sent to prison for life for speaking
> things like this.
> In USA and in Europe, 1% of the population is controlling the other 99%
> and not completely because they have the control over the money
> production. You change that, and they don't have any kind of control
> anymore.
> We also have Internet. No matter how much money you put into convincing
> people about something, if you have a free internet, they are not buying
> it, and lists like this are possible.
> If we are truly anarchist, we must be against socialism with all our
> forces, otherwise we would be very fool. Socialism without
> centralization of power is just impossible at every single level. Forget
> about anarchist socialism, it is just impossible and it is a big
> manipulation. Socialism perpetuated for many years always end up as
> dictatorship. You people in USA haven't learnt this yet because you
> haven't been infected much, so you don't know in first person what is to
> be truly socialist.
>> All this time, the real buying power of employee wages has not budged one
>> cent since it froze in 1971, the year Bretton Woods collapsed and Nixon and
>> Volcker put together a new economic engine based on borrowing against the
>> petro-dollar and actively destabilizing any other asset that anyone might
>> want to invest in.
> You certainly don't know what you are saying. Compare your freedom
> against the freedom of the rest of the society.
> I'm not defending our fake democracy, I'm just comparing what is to have
> "a little of freedom" to what is to live in a socialist state.
> I'd like to unsystem this system as much as you do, but please don't be
> confused: socialism is clearly not the solution, but the contrary, it is
> a much bigger problem.
>> What might be the worst thing is that Paul Volcker, the chief architect of
>> this now-defunct monster, finds himself shouted down by the arrogant and
>> childish elite which his system created, who now seem to think that he is
>> just a raving old man, the petro-dollar is a conspiracy theory and every
>> penny of the cash permeating Wall Street is duly earned.
> I agree with this. Do you know what is the solution? Bitcoin and MORE
> freedom, not less, and not giving more control to the state, which
> always happens when socialism arises.
>> If you're looking for Eldorado in the USA, I have sad news.
>> Which brings back the question: Where is it?
> Then don't come for it to Spain, it is worse.
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