:: Re: [DNG] Proposed defaults changes
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Autor: Klaus Ethgen
Datum: 2015-07-15 14:02 -000
To: dng
Betreff: Re: [DNG] Proposed defaults changes
Am Mi den 15. Jul 2015 um 16:27 schrieb John Crisp:
> On 15/07/15 17:14, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> >
> > mc respectible mcedit is also a pain in the a... How often did I loose
> > stuff due to the editor.. I have to damit that I used it sometimes 25
> > years ago when I start with linux but i learned pretty fast that it
> > makes you just slow and not to use it...
> >
> Seems the first release was 21 years ago (we all get a little memory
> loss) and I've used it pretty well since then and never lost a file (I
> can't say I am a heavy user). I've recovered plenty of systems with it
> though.


Well, nearly.. I started playing with linux somewhat around '92 or '93.
far before the version 1.0

However, had some experiences with other unix before and used NC on dos

> It's a good tool for some quick navigation around and tickling the odd file.

It was on dos with a limited shell. But with current shells like zsh I
am much faster without and, most important, more flexible and more

Even though mc is something good for beginners but debian or devuan is
not focusing on beginners and even devuan is focusing on "veteran unix
admins" so vi(m) would be the only proper choice. :-D

- -- 
Klaus Ethgen                              http://www.ethgen.ch/
pub  4096R/4E20AF1C 2011-05-16   Klaus Ethgen <Klaus@???>
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