:: [unSYSTEM] How France Loots Former…
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Autor: Refl' Actions
Data: 2015-07-07 07:25 -000
A: System undo crew
Assumptes vells: Re: [unSYSTEM] UlteriorStates‬ [IamSatoshi Documentary] Watch it here
Assumpte: [unSYSTEM] How France Loots Former Colonies with the CFA franc
Hi All,

I'd like to have your thoughts on the following article and see how we can collectively reflect and then hopefully act (hackt?) to change this shituation, if I may.


The fear of many major companies nowadays is to be "uberized" or "airbnb-ed" by start-ups. In a near future not only firms but also certain countries will unavoidably and necessarily be challenged and disrupted by innovative tech companies. ‪#‎HackCFAfranc‬

Thanks and looking forward to sharing thoughts.

Fodé "BK" Diakité

>>> The project I've been working on during the past three years, in
>>> which many on this mailing list took part in, is released.
>>> UlteriorStates‬ [IamSatoshi Documentary]. Watch it here:
>>> http://www.iamsatoshi.com/ulterior-states-documentary
>>> Looking forward to your comments.
>>> I hope you enjoy [image: Smiley]
>>> Tomer
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