:: Re: [DNG] OT: Terminal application …
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Lähettäjä: Gregory Nowak
Päiväys: 2015-07-04 06:36 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] OT: Terminal application for multitrack audio (was Re: Sound (Was: My experience with Devuan Alpha2))
On Fri, Jul 03, 2015 at 10:59:06AM -1000, Joel Roth wrote:
> Not sure what other apps you're looking for on a text
> console, so I'll put in a mention of Nama, a fairly
> versatile multitrack DAW that includes a terminal interface.
> https://freeshell.de/~bolangi/cgi1/nama.cgi/00home.html
> There is a version packaged for Debian, but way stale,
> better to install from CPAN or build from github sources.

Neat, I'll have to try that one out, thanks. As for other apps that
come to mind after perusing my windows box:
1. Something like ms-office/libreoffice. Probably the biggest thing
from that would be something like libreoffice-writer for the CLI. I
use emacs to type this e-mail for example, but when it comes to
importing .docx, or exporting .doc, I have to either fire-up gnome, or
go to the other OS.

2. Something that can deal with password safes created by password
safe. There was a program for the CLI in squeeze which could do
this, but it was discontinued when counterpane labs released
password safe as open source. This probably means a CLI interface to
deal with safes created by it could be developed. If there comes a
day where password safe is the only thing keeping me from dumping
the other OS, I very well may look into doing that.

3. Probably the last big one is skype. I could go to the free
alternatives here, but I know fewer people using those than I do
who use skype, and they aren't rushing to switch to something else.

Besides the web browser, those are probably the three must-have big
ones keeping me from going to the CLI. We're probably getting off
topic for this list though. So, if Joel or anyone else wants to
discuss this with me farther, we should probably do so privately. Thanks.


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