:: Re: [DNG] Sound (Was: My experienc…
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Autor: Gregory Nowak
Data: 2015-07-02 18:21 -000
A: dng
Assumpte: Re: [DNG] Sound (Was: My experience with Devuan Alpha2)
On Thu, Jul 02, 2015 at 11:47:55AM +0100, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> What will be the alternatives? ALSA never worked for me to a usefull
> state. It has partly translated config files but not in the parser, has
> always cracking sound and kernel panics. It lags the ability to play
> multiple streams and more.
> On the other hand, OSS (OSS4) did always work and is the easier to
> implement solution. It supports natively sound multiplexing and several
> channels.
> Unfortunately some applications does refuse to work with oss, even
> applications that was long OSS only (Teamspeak, commercial product)
> Pulsaudio was /one/ solution to mitigate that but no good solution as it
> adds many problems with sound.
> So I am interested in the strategy, devuan will go here.
> Regards
>    Klaus

I personally can't stand pulse, and I'm not the only one:

There is more where that came from. The only reason I tolerate it is
because removing pulseaudio also removes gnome-core among others. I'm
all for choice, and believe that those who want pulse in devuan should
be able to install it. I would also however love to go back to the
good old days of squeeze where some many things didn't depend on
pulse, and I could get speech from orca with only alsa, or even just
oss installed. Just my $0.01 worth.


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