:: Re: [DNG] Sound (Was: My experienc…
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Lähettäjä: Jaromil
Päiväys: 2015-07-02 11:17 -000
Vastaanottaja: Klaus Ethgen
Kopio: dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] Sound (Was: My experience with Devuan Alpha2)

dear Klaus,

On Thu, 02 Jul 2015, Klaus Ethgen wrote:

> So I am interested in the strategy, devuan will go here.

1st of all, here you can see some preliminary work I've done months ago
to save certain packages, sanitize Debian configurations and recuperate
the FFMpeg binary https://git.devuan.org/groups/pkgs-multimedia this was
the very minimum I needed to fix for my own projects and have never
managed to do due to sub-optimal interaction with the debian-multimedia

I believe that for studio production use the best solution right now is
Jack1, which to me seems utterly broken in Debian due to chaos with the
transition to Jack2 and to lack of a GUI to control the latter (the
packages QJackCtl only works with version 1). I choose to revert to 1
because I need something that works *now*, not wait for people to break
and fix things at their own discretion.

In the future we can find the right time to interact with the fine
community at linux-audio-* (LAD), done that in the past ending up with
fine suggestions and insights from well experienced people.

All this relates to my ambition to make Devuan >1.0 a viable and up to
date base system also for professional audio/video activities, finally
free from the GNOME drive of making all things standard for desktop use
disregarding other people's needs. Henve, you should read the above as
entirely not related to desktop use. If you refer to desktop use then I
shall perhaps retract my assertion and allow pulseaudio to be an option,
maybe even the default if no other non-fuzz alternatives are there.

However in my *desktop* experience ALSA works just fine, but that may
depend from the hardware available and the corresponding Linux driver.
