:: [DNG] Fwd: Gummiboot patch
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Lähettäjä: Riccardo Boninsegna
Päiväys: 2015-06-17 13:43 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: [DNG] Fwd: Gummiboot patch
Gummiboot is my favorite boot loader, mainly due to it loading the
kernel from the EFI partition and thus not requiring a third partition
for /boot when you use encrypted root.

I first became familiar with it on Arch Linux well after their switch
to systemd; but despite this project now being integrated with our
least appreciated init just like udev, the current version in Debian
(48) has completely no tie-ins with it!
The reason the Debian package has a Pre-Depends: on systemd is because
an "UUID" is created by systemd's postinstall script as
/etc/machine-id, and used for boot loader entries and naming the
folder in which kernel and ramdisk will be copied (example:
/boot/efi/96b848338a47456e9112721c563aed63/3.16.0-4-amd64/initrd) --
but ironically this requirement is not in Arch, as entries are not
autogenerated, and not requiring /boot to support Unix features means
it's common to directly install the kernel in the root of the EFI

I've modified it to obtain this serial number from D-Bus, which while
still not ideal is arguably a better stopgap measure until, in my
vision, this feature is completely removed in favor of putting version
number/hostname/whatever directly in the file names.
You may download (conditional needed, I'm not sure I've included all
required files) the source code with this fix at:

→→ A precompiled package with the above changes is also available at

While my contribution -- a replacement path to a file -- is most
likely not original enough to be copyrightable, if by any chance it
is, consider it freely usable as per the WTFPLv2!
All feedback appreciated!