:: Re: [DNG] epoch feature request
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Autor: Arnt Gulbrandsen
Data: 2015-06-16 16:33 -000
Dla: dng
Temat: Re: [DNG] epoch feature request
Anto writes:
> So I am not really sure what you meant by "reading the new
> directives at boot time". Which directive would that be, where
> is it located and which package provides that?

You read things like

# Provides


# Required-Start

to generate an Epoch configuration in /etc/epoch.conf (or some other
filename). Epoch then reads that file to generate an Epoch configuration in

What I am saying is: Why bother with generating the configuration file? Why
not just generate the in-RAM configuration? That is, why not teach Epoch a
new configuration option, documented as following: "When you enable this
option, Epoch reads the LSB-Start-Before and ... options in /etc/init.d/*,
and starts servers accordingly. Note that Epoch does not run /etc/init.d/*,
it merely reads the LSB-Start-Before and ..."

This is tricky. It's quite possible that doing this directly is a bad idea,
and that it actually is better to use the detour via the config file.
