:: Re: [Dng] epoch feature request
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Auteur: Anto
Date: 2015-06-14 16:18 -000
À: dng
Sujet: Re: [Dng] epoch feature request

On 14/06/15 17:34, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 09:57:12 +0200
> Anto <aryanto@???> wrote:
>> On 13/06/15 23:35, Hendrik Boom wrote:
>>> The maintainer of epoch has just asked for feature requests.
>>> http://linux.slashdot.org/story/15/06/13/198222/ask-slashdot-feature-requests-for-epoch-init-system-130
>>> -- hendrik
>> I always want to try epoch init system since I read Steve's howto
>> about it on
>> http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/init/manjaro_experiments.htm#pure_epoch_init_system
>> a couple months back. But so far I can not find any Debian build
>> script for that. It is indeed a simple program with just a few files
>> but I am not really sure what to put into the debian directory.
> I can answer that :-)
> When installing Epoch, do it entirely extra-distro. Do not use the
> package manager for anything. Don't remove the current init system,
> just jumper around it by backing up the existing /sbin/init, and then
> replacing it by what got built during Epoch make (obviously renaming
> it /sbin/init).
> Epoch is in no package manager that I know of, and therefore is
> installed by compile. It comes with buildepoch.sh, which, for me, did
> the job simply by running it with no arguments or modifications.
>> I tried to use dh_make but of course it just gives me basic files in
>> the debian directory. I am basically still not familiar with every
>> detail to make the files in debian directory from scratch. I am not
>> sure for instance, what value I should use for $CFLAGS, $LDFLAGS and
>> $CC on debian/rules and how the *.prerm, *.postrm, *.preinst,
>> *.postinst and *.install files should look like. And I am also not
>> sure about the rules to build the copyright, manpage, README.source
>> and README.debian.
> Plain vanilla gcc works just fine compiling Epoch. Just
> run ./buildepoch.sh as a normal user. Then copy
> compile_directory/built/sbin/epoch to /sbin, owner root, group root,
> executable by all. You might also cp -p /sbin/epoch to /e , so that in
> Grub it's trivial to put init=/e in the line when you want to boot
> Epoch. In that way, you don't have to boot to a System Rescue CD, and
> copy either the Epoch or sysvinit to /sbin/init, in order to toggle
> your init system.
>> So I would really appreciate if anyone could point
>> me to the proper Debian build script that somebody has made even that
>> would be for older versions of epoch init system.
> No Debian build script exists. Epoch knows nothing about Debian (or any
> other distro), and Debian (or any other distro) knows nothing about
> Epoch. Just use Epoch's buildepoch.sh, copy, chown and chmod the
> resulting build/sbin/epoch, and that's it.
> By the way, it would be about 10 times easier to do this on Devuan,
> because you wouldn't have to decontaminate dbus and lots of other
> software. Systemd adds a lot of cancer-roots you need to remove in
> order to alternatively init. Try it on a VM, see how it goes.
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> June 2015 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence
> http://www.troubleshooters.com/key

Thanks Steve,

Yes. I am aware that we can directly compile it by running
./buildepoch.sh. I have tried that but I have not installed the compiled
files the way you explained it. So I have not tried to boot my test PC
with it yet.

The main reasons I am looking for Debian build script are that, first of
all I want to learn a lot more about packaging. And the second one is I
would like to be able to easily switch back and forth between epoch and
sysvinit for testing purpose, so that I know exactly what will happen if
I did that on my main PC.

About the contaminated packages, I don't even have them on my main PC.
For my purpose, it seems to be enough to just clean up acpid,
consolekit, cron, dbus, gvfs, kmod, lvm2, udisk2 and upower, and use eudev.

