:: Re: [Dng] Systemd sneaks in was fil…
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Auteur: Jude Nelson
Date: 2015-06-11 16:17 -000
À: Clarke Sideroad
CC: dng@lists.dyne.org
Sujet: Re: [Dng] Systemd sneaks in was file download zone
Hi Clarke,

Can you:
* give us a listing of which systemd packages are installed (something like
"aptitude search systemd | egrep ^i")?
* use "apt-cache rdepends" to show us which packages depend on them?


On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Clarke Sideroad <clarke.sideroad@???>

> On 06/11/2015 11:04 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
>> On Thu, 11 Jun 2015 08:35:34 -0400
>> Clarke Sideroad <clarke.sideroad@???> wrote:
>> It seems my fresh netboot install this morning has swallowed and
>>> installed systemd.
>>> It was an "expert" 64bit install of "jessie" with XFCE and
>>> subsequently firmware-linux-non-free had been installed for the
>>> embeded video and then the fglrx-driver installed. Not sure where
>>> it picked up the systemd along that path.
>>> Removing it and its namesake friends took out Network Manager,
>>> PulseAudio, CUPS and a bunch of assorted other bits
>>> I installed WICD to send this and will now put the furniture back in
>>> place.
>>> Warning: You will probably be seeing more of this kind of info from
>>> simple folks like me, now that testing is easier with a netboot iso.
>>> Clarke
>> Hi Clarke,
>> First, from what I understand, the microsecond you get Devuan Alpha 2
>> installed, go into /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the two from
>> debian, leaving only the ones from devuan. I think that will help some.
>> Second, my understanding is that NetworkManager and PulseAudio are so
>> thoroughly infested with systemd that it's better to purge them from
>> your system, like you'd throw a bedbug-ridden mattress into the
>> dumpster. No use having that stuff hanging around. I **love** what
>> they've done with Wicd, putting it on the menu right there in front of
>> your face. Nice!
>> Third, what leads you to the conclusion that your system installed
>> systemd? On my VM-hosted Alpha-2 with LXDE, I have a whole bunch of
>> files and directories with "systemd" in their names, but I think it has
>> nothing to do with my bootup.
>> To prove I was initting with sysvinit, I wrote the following
>> shellscript called /root/testdaemon.sh:
>> ========================================
>> #!/bin/sh
>> while true; do
>>    date >> /tmp/junk.log
>>    sleep 5
>> done
>> ========================================

>> The preceding program, when run, appends the time to /tmp/junk.log
>> every five seconds, a thing you can see with the following command:
>> tail -f /tmp/junk.log
>> Then I put the following line right at the bottom of my /etc/inittab:
>> SV:12345:respawn:/root/testdaemon.sh
>> After I rebooted, /tmp/junk.log kept being appended, meaning that
>> inittab was being read, meaning that sysvinit is doing the initting.
>> Hi Steve,
> These were fresh UEFI hard drive installs not a VM.
> From what I can see systemd is being installed with the base installation
> in both jessie and ceres.
> No debian in my sources.list only deb and deb-src devuan was in there,
> either for jessie or ceres depending on the installation choice.
> I noticed Sysvinit was being installed during the second install phase,
> but on the boot I have systemd.
> Maybe it is the init chooser that is defaulting to systemd.
> To confirm the installation of systemd, I checked by doing a search with
> Synaptic and sure enough the slimy thing was there with a green box next to
> it.
> I hope to mess with this later but it has swallowed too much of my time
> already today.
> I nuked the install and have returned to my hacked Debian version.
> Clarke
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