Le 01/06/2015 12:59, Laurent Bercot a écrit :
> Oh, sure - I'm all for learning by experimenting and hacking away.
> It's just that this mailing-list is about a distribution that aims
> to be Debian-sized, so I thought you were suggesting it for Devuan.
> I think you'll agree that on a distribution, stability, not grounds
> for experimentation, is the primary concern.
Yes, but the whole thread is off-topic :-) And this is not a
project, only a dream.
> (PM: I tried to send you an e-mail and the in2p3.fr MX rejected it,
> for unknown reasons, and the postmaster isn't answering me. Do you
> have another e-mail address I could write you to ?)
Strange. I know the server is strict about whatever conformance of
the mail format and address of the sender to whatever existing standard,
as a non-intrusive means to reject part of the spam. So maybe there is
something unexpected from your mail agent.
You can also reach me at <didier.kryn@???> or <kryn@???>.