Skribent: Damian Dato: Til: System undo crew Emne: Re: [unSYSTEM] ISIS is not going anywhere, and ISIS speaks truth
power is a trap.
no one gains liberation when power is horded intellectually or physically.
On May 29, 2015 7:52 AM, "Dave Hollis" <noagendamarket@???> wrote:
> I enjoyed reading this. In my own country all the building blocks for a
> fascist state are built it is just waiting for the new fuhrer wrapped in a
> flag and saying the right words. The real enemy is fear it seems.
> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 10:21 PM, Amir Taaki <genjix@???> wrote:
>> ISIS last year made a shock advance that conquered 2 states within
>> months establishing the world's first terrorist state tearing holes in
>> the narrative that "everything is under control". After a period of
>> calm, so-called experts started proclaiming that ISIS is finished. The
>> group exhausted, their collapse imminent and normality will soon be
>> re-established.
>> And yet suddenly within a day, they took both the Iraqi province of
>> Abadi and the Syrian city of Palmyra. Now they are well on the way
>> advancing towards the core Syrian territory of Damascus.
>> Everyday on the war front, American planes are flying missions raining
>> explosive death from the air. The ground shakes, windows blow up from
>> miles away and all night long the sound of machines guns make a
>> continuous hum. Yet among this rain of death, the tenacity of ISIS not
>> only clings on, but thrives growing its tentacles. There is a hidden
>> power driving this machine.
>> Anyone who studies what ISIS says, will see the clarity in their words
>> and the beauty with which they interweave past and present waxing poetic
>> about destiny. The actions of the organisation might seem random and
>> often pointless, even self-contradicting but the motive that drives the
>> individuals is very focused and consistent.
>> The fall of the Soviet Union, marked the ideological victory of state
>> capitalism. Communism was vanquished. Capitalism had proved itself as
>> the one true ideology. A new age was supposed to dawn. A new age of
>> apathy and rejection of politics drifted in.
>> Some say the empire searched for a new threat to justify itself. I think
>> it's more useful to imagine it expanded its net to finish its quest for
>> total ideological dominance and the end of history. World War 1 was
>> supposed to end all wars, and the cold war was supposed to finish history.
>> But the barbarians are flooding Rome.
>> The anti-ideological capitalist state cannot defeat the rise of the new
>> ideological movements. It was born in a different age, and it lacks the
>> tools to deal with the new world.
>> The Iraqi army armed with the best heavy weapons, well equipped,
>> supported by constant US aerial bombardment and outnumbering ISIS 10 to
>> 1, ran from the ideologically committed Jihadists armed only with AKs
>> and explosive trucks last week.
>> It is now ironic that we are truly seeing the defining war of our times.
>> A nexus of ideologies and narratives. And in the land of al-Sham, birth
>> of human civilisation, sacred land to Christians and Muslims. And it's
>> here that we see anarchists, islamists, state capitalists, communists
>> and nationalist dictators fighting each other backed by an axis of
>> liberal democracies and crony oil barons led by the US against Russia,
>> Iran and its various insurgent armies. This is a truly crazy crazy
>> microcosm.
>> Recently VICE did interviews with Obama and Ashton Carter about the
>> Islamic State titled:
>> "President Obama On The Islamic State_ The VICE News Interview"
>> "The Challenge of the Islamic State_ Shane Smith Interviews Ashton
>> Carter (Part 2)"
>> What is striking about both these interviews was how their crippled
>> analysis was no better than mine. How they are so utterly unequipped.
>> They have no solution. They have no special plan. Only more of the same.
>> I honestly think ISIS is part of our future. Whether the brand changes
>> or it becomes a new group, the flavour will remain. Who knows, maybe
>> even something different elsewhere. However this thing, or concept is
>> not going anywhere. We are now living with cancer. Time to accept it.
>> The Zapatista netwar which was actually a failed guerilla movement
>> magnified many orders of magnitude by an internet led media campaign, is
>> a notable case study. Wherever disaffected people exist, they can now
>> advertise their cause. Everyone has spoken widely about the power for
>> internet and swarming for demonstrations. We've heard stories about the
>> new form of non-violent action powered by internet.
>> But how many people have talked about violent action? The potential for
>> swarming masses to fight wars. After all half of ISIS are foreign
>> fighters attracted to the vision of recreating an Islamic Caliphate.
>> Imagine how these people fight vs the soldiers looking to survive and
>> get a paycheck. We're talking hundreds of thousands ready to die for a
>> cause.
>> And amongst this mess, we need to find our ideology that holds us.
>> Western civilisation as we know it is finished. It cannot deal with the
>> new threats it faces. It is being torn apart from inside and outside.
>> Now is the time to continue our legacy. We must project new ideas to
>> ensure our cultural survival.
>> The more of us in this struggle, the stronger our ideas. It is the
>> strength of convictions that holds us.
>> Only our strength will give us power to defend ourselves in this new
>> future.
>> The power is within you. It always has been.
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