:: Re: [Dng] The more things change, t…
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Auteur: Irrwahn
Date: 2015-05-27 15:51 -000
À: dng
Sujet: Re: [Dng] The more things change, the more they remain the same
Laurent Bercot wrote on 27.05.2015 17:15:
> On 27/05/2015 16:49, Didier Kryn wrote:
>> I am slowly trying to assemble a minimal Linux development
>> environment and the number of tools you need to just compile a C
>> program is unbelievable. Clearly, the majority of developpers don't
>> care about simplicity.
> Amen to that.
> I built my home router by hand. A vital piece of software for a router
> is netfilter. It's very basic, very low-level, close to the kernel,
> and I just needed ONE command-line tool: nftables.
> I'm sorry to say that building netfilter by hand from scratch was the
> single most painful journey into crap dependencies that I've ever taken,
> and I've taken a few. I needed to install more software to actually
> BUILD the stuff than my whole router takes to RUN.

No intention to lessen your main point, but that last observation
does not come as a surprise. Development systems inherently have
an installation overhead compared to simple runtime environments,
it's always been that way. However, it amazes me what heaps of
packages one has to wade through to get a minimal usable GNU/Linux
system /capable of replicating itself/. (I'm currently digging my
way through Linux from scratch, as an educational exercise.)

That aside, full ACK.
