:: Re: [Dng] vdev status update (May 2…
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Autor: Didier Kryn
Fecha: 2015-05-26 19:04 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [Dng] vdev status update (May 25 2015)
Le 26/05/2015 12:23, Didier Kryn a écrit :
> Le 25/05/2015 20:50, Jude Nelson a écrit :
>>     Just wondering what happens if process A creates a directory in
>>     eventfs, process B makes it its working directory, and then 
>> process A
>>     dies.  Does process B end up with a nonexistent working directory?
>>     umount won't let me do this.  WOuld this be different?

>> The directory would continue to exist as long as there was at least
>> one open handle to it, but subsequent path resolutions on it or any
>> of its descendants would fail. The effect is basically the same as
>> "rm -rf"-ing the process's working directory.
>> Also, like with any other filesystem, you would be unable to unmount
>> it until all handles were closed.
>     AFAIU umounting one such mountpoint can only fail with either 
> "device busy", when the creator process is alive, or "no such file or 
> directory" when the creator is dead, because, then, the path 
> resolution fails. Only eventfs itself can do it.

>     Didier

     Stupid remark: these directories aren't mountpoints anyway. Sorry. 
Should think a little bit more before writing :-(