:: Re: [Dng] Everyone's favorite DE: G…
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Autor: Jaret Cantu
Fecha: 2015-05-25 14:41 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [Dng] Everyone's favorite DE: GNOME3
On 05/25/2015 11:43 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
> Offering a no-systemd Gnome is fine with me, even though I'll be
> sticking with Openbox.

I was on Fluxbox to avoid systemd (which actually renders my machine
un-init-able because it can't do what "mount -a" can). You can still get
a systemd-free desktop from Debian proper with *box and other DE's that
Redhat has no interest in (I guess is the reason?).

xfce and gnome seem to be where most of the unavoidable systemd-seepage
is happening. Other DEs are cool but have largely been spared from the
carnage. Like a room full of lactose-intolerant people poppin' pills and
drinking milkshakes while *box just stands by the sidelines, sippin' a

I guess I just see Devuan largely as Lactaid. We know we shouldn't drink
the shakes, but they are just too tasty. (Contrast with others who
instead want to see the world's largest barbeque to address the problem.)
> But please, please, PLEASE, put in sufficient
> safety mechanisms that no future update of this no-systemd Gnome can
> possibly pull in any systemd code.

I am pretty sure one would actually need to install systemd development
packages in order to build a systemd-tainted gnome, which is not exactly
an easy accident. It is not like a build will sudo apt-get build
dependencies. (At least, a build really, *really* shouldn't.)

> Also, because of the likelihood that future Poetterization will
> temporarily make no-systemd Gnome unavailable on Devuan, please don't
> make it the default User Interface.

If a no-systemd gnome ever becomes unavailable, it just wouldn't be bumped.

And I'm hardly in charge of choosing default anythings in Devuan -- or
any anythings in Devuan, for that matter. My guess would be that xfce
is going to be the default, but of course, any user can choose which DE
(or even if a DE) they are going to install. I don't even know if gnome
is going to be a choice on that list; I'm just dumping things into the
Devuan git as I slowly fix up my own desktop.
