:: Re: [Dng] [dng] vdev status update …
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Autor: shraptor shraptor
Fecha: 2015-05-14 19:16 -000
A: Didier Kryn
Cc: dng
Asunto: Re: [Dng] [dng] vdev status update (2015-05-03)
On Thursday, May 14, 2015, Didier Kryn <kryn@???> wrote:

> Le 14/05/2015 15:40, shraptor shraptor a écrit :
>> I would be interested in a static Vdev.
>> Didier could you please give some info
>> how this was done especially any gotcha's
>> you found?
>     Hi Shraptor.

>     I have been working for almost one year, partial time, on building a
> sysrooted gcc-4.7 bundled with musl-1.1.5. This has been pretty difficult
> for me, since I am not an expert in Gcc and I could not find it ready-made
> because I wanted this gcc to understand all languages, including Ada. With
> Ada, there is a bootstrapping problem because it can be compiled only with
> the current version or the previous.

>     I started from a chroot containing Sabotage-Linux, which has no Ada,
> in which I introduced Gnat from Debian Wheezy and I don't remember exactly
> how I finally succeeded, last november :-) the fact is that I have now a
> working sysrooted toolchain which can recompile itself and can compile a
> lot of applications. Sabotage provides the necessary patches for gcc to
> work with Musl - Big thanks to them - and I patched Gnat myself. The whole
> process looks like a horrible bricolage, and it was just that.

>     With this (kind of cross) toolchain, installed on my Debian Wheezy
> laptop, I have succeeded to compile the whole package from Jude, including
> the filesystem, which is not even an alpha release AFAIU, but has some
> dependencies and was a good exercise. The main work was to modify the
> Makefiles so that they can produce static archive libraries and replacing
> one glibc non-standard macro with the standard one.

>     I am now working on producing a bootable USB flash disk with two
> partitions, one containing the kernel and the Syslinux bootloader files and
> one with the root filesystem containing Busybox-1.23.1, Vdevd and its
> helpers, and even  Bash, all statically linked against Musl. I tried to
> boot it 15mn ago but my kernel is still missing some drivers to be able to
> mount the usb key. I chose this configuration, rather than an initramfs, to
> be able to make persistent changes to my root filesystem, but it means that
> all the drivers needed to mount the root partition must be compiled in the
> kernel instead of loadable modules.

>     I am very excited at seeing vdev in action and I don't think I will do
> anything else before I see if it works. Then I promised to Jude to send him
> the necessary patches. I think that, with the patched version of vdev, you
> could compile it statically with any ready-made gcc-musl toolchain (eg
> Sabotage). Could you wait a few days more?

>     Didier

No problem waiting mate.
I even could try myself, did openssl static with musl a while ago but am
not a 100%
with what toolchain means.

did you compile for 32bit or 64bit?

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