:: Re: [Dng] A novice attempt to speed…
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Autor: T.J. Duchene
Fecha: 2015-05-14 18:30 -000
A: 'Svante Signell'
Cc: dng
Asunto: Re: [Dng] A novice attempt to speed up Devuan development
> People are working _now_ on eudev as a replacement for udev until vdev is
> finished. It might even be a good replacement for udev already for the
> devuan jessie release.

[T.J. ] That's very interesting and information I did not know. You have to admit that actual development details regarding Devuan are not posted to the mailing list often. If it is actually you working on it, then my hat is off to you. I would not personally consider it a good choice for a Devuan 1.0 release, but my opinion in that regard is entirely moot, as I am not a member of the Devuan development team.

>What do you do, except chat?

[T.J. ] Some would interpret that as an attempt to annoy. If you are somehow offended, I apologize for that - but I am going to express a technical opinion from time to time, even if it happens to be unpopular, such as saying at present that udev is better choice. I noted that Jude happens to agree with me. If you feel that this is not the proper forum for such, please enlighten me, and I will take my comments elsewhere.

> > From my point of view, past
> > conversations here have been as "toxic" as Debian and the rest of
> > Linux in general.
> I think you are alone on this, sorry.

[T.J. ] Fair enough. =) I happen to disagree, but that is really of no consequence.