:: Re: [Dng] A novice attempt to speed…
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Szerző: miro.rovis
Dátum: 2015-05-14 16:34 -000
Címzett: dng
Tárgy: Re: [Dng] A novice attempt to speed up Devuan development
On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 10:53:20AM -0500, T.J. Duchene wrote:
> >
> > I think that has already happened for quite some time. The latest udev
> > package outside systemd source in Debian is 175-7.2 according to
> > https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/udev. In Debian jessie it is provided by
> > systemd package as shown on https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/systemd. I am
> > still on Debian wheezy with *systemd* pinned to Pin-Priority: -1. When I
> > tried to switched to jessie repository and do dist-upgrade, udev package is
> > not being pulled.
> >
> [T.J. ] I can understand your reticence, certainly. All I'm advocating is a
> "common sense" engineering approach. I think it is advantageous that udev be
> included as an option for those who prefer to make certain that no unforeseen
> incompatibilities creep in. Use udev, eudev, vdev or none of the above, the

Right! It is assuring to me to see that approach. I can't tell how little if
any problems I have in Gentoo with eudev, which is there but you never notice
it, and I'll really opt for eudev, if the mistakes that Debian made... see
below, pls...

> end user should be the one to make that decision, although Devuan could
> certainly chose a preference for default.
> There is no technical reason to exclude udev.    Whatever discussions are in
> progress, the fact it can be built from the same source package as systemd is
> entirely immaterial from an engineering standpoint.  Besides, if Devuan
> forces users to use only their preferences, Devuan risks future
> fragmentation.  Debian already made that mistake.

If that mistake is not made in Devuan.

Are there others of you devs (I'm just somewhat advanced user, but I watch
anxiously to see Devuan really taking off and learning to fly, and I already
recommended you in quite a few places in my not little visited forum topics on
Gentoo Forums and elsewhere.)...

Are there others of you devs and users-to-be (like, hopefully, me), who
understand the distinction btwn poetterware and true FOSS programs (to make the
distincion simplified)?

I mean, if I wouldn't be able to rid my Devuan of any poetterware (and lots of
systemd known and lesser known friends and associate programs go into that
category), then I would have to search for other ways to live without it.

The best way to see what peotterware is, apart from the distant but very
strong and very needed associate dbus, is, say, go to:


and see which one one of the FOSS wizards like some of you founders and
developers of Devuan are too, Thorsten mirabilos Glaser, chose to remove from

And which I was able to do in Debian:

How to Remove Systemd and Related Packages from Your Debian

That really need to be achievable in Devuan too!

Thanks for all of your efforts, I really hope Devuan takes off and shines, the
new sun, as my friend from Debian Forums, edbarx, usually says.

# A private digression follows. Readers, freely skip this, but anyhow remember
# the line above on what must be achievable in Devuan too!

Greetings also to golinux. golinux, I received your message many weeks ago now,
but I don't know if you received my reply back then, If I don't get to know
that and see you still around, I'll create a page at:


and post my reply to it. No other way. What? sending many times again? Sorry!

Sorry for this digression.
Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia