:: Re: [Dng] A novice attempt to speed…
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Autor: Anto
Fecha: 2015-05-14 10:56 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [Dng] A novice attempt to speed up Devuan development

On 14/05/15 13:49, Jack L. Frost wrote:
> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 06:33:34PM -0500, T.J. Duchene wrote:
>> Has something happened with standard udev that you are looking to switch? I've not heard anything lately, but that does not make immediate sense to me.
> I'm not the one you're asking, but I'll provide one reason to switch:
> udev is a part of the systemd project, and in the near future it will probably
> stop being packaged outside of systemd for it is a lot of work to do so.
> Switching now is a good idea as opposed to switching later down the line when
> it's suddenly packaged with systemd and you have to install all of it to get
> udev.

I think that has already happened for quite some time. The latest udev
package outside systemd source in Debian is 175-7.2 according to
https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/udev. In Debian jessie it is provided by
systemd package as shown on https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/systemd. I am
still on Debian wheezy with *systemd* pinned to Pin-Priority: -1. When I
tried to switched to jessie repository and do dist-upgrade, udev package
is not being pulled.

According to Jaret on
udev source has been merged into systemd source since version 183.