:: Re: [Dng] Systemd discussions at Li…
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Skribent: James Powell
Dato: 2015-05-14 00:53 -000
Til: Philip Lacroix, dng
Emne: Re: [Dng] Systemd discussions at LinuxQuestions.
Unfortunately this seems to be a growing trend following the Microsoft playbook of acquisition, suppression, and extinction on various Linux communities and mailing lists I've been privy to as of recent.

Fewer and fewer distributions have avoided systemd but discussion into alternatives is growingly met with hostilities. ArchLinux took a severe hardline approach and rampantly banned any anti-systemd topics and users as well as anyone offering alternatives. While LQ has been trying to maintain neutrality as a position, growing numbers of systemd fanboys who immediately attack and troll people just to get them hushed or banned is climbing.

If you read the other, long closed, systemd topics, there are several trolls who have mercilessly attacked several users including TobiSGD.

Trying to talk technicality on systemd gets futile unless you are pro-systemd.


P.S. - I'm working on a better email client, but unfortunately this is all I can manage currently. Sorry if it's awkward for Devuan's mailing list here.

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Philip Lacroix<mailto:philnx@posteo.de>
Sent: ‎5/‎13/‎2015 9:15 AM
To: dng@???<mailto:dng@lists.dyne.org>
Subject: Re: [Dng] Systemd discussions at LinuxQuestions.

I've read the mentioned thread, although not completely yet, and I
appreciated Jude's and nextime's interventions. Guys, you met TobiSGD,
who should be a LQ moderator but is also an active systemd advocate,
according to what I've seen in the past (and more than ever on that very
thread). Unfortunately, several systemd-related threads (as well as
others about other "controversial" topics) have been turned into
disgusting cesspits quite recently on LQ, hence I can understand why
other moderators like unSpawn prefer not to see anything like that
anymore. Too bad that the Devuan thread was closed down, but IMHO it was
not because of Devuan as such: somebody, apparently, is not willing to
clean up heaps of trolls' rubbish once again.


Am 10.05.2015 23:17 schrieb James Powell:
> Unfortunately the moderators at LinuxQuestions have closed off
> discussing the Devuan stance topic that had been open and participate
> in over the repeated squabbling, though honestly, very little was done
> other than the people who seemed offended by the choice of Devuan's
> developers lack of choice of systemd, and unwillingness to stop asking
> about funding and other repeatedly defended arguments which turned the
> discussion of Devuan into a defense of Devuan.
> Just to make it known, the LQ staff have not taken kindly to systemd
> topics since many of the pro-systemd crowd seem to act more in
> attacking the stance of being anti-systemd rather than the principles
> of being anti-systemd for software sanity reasons. Very little real
> discussion of systemd's merits and technicals (if topics even can be
> soundly made) ever seems to go anywhere due to the crowd there.
> This is unfortunate but due to the fact several staff members are from
> the pro-systemd camp, and the fact the staff have made their decisions
> on those topics, any discussion is probably going to continually go in
> that same direction, and topics will go nowhere on that forum when
> that topic is brought up.
> I though I'd let you all know before going to the LinuxQuestions topic
> and finding it locked out.
> -Jim

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