:: Re: [Dng] Financial report, 1st tri…
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Autor: JeremyBekka C
Data: 2015-05-04 00:56 -000
A: dng
Assumptes nous: [Dng] Valentine alpha: Was: Re: Financial report, 1st trimester 2015
Assumpte: Re: [Dng] Financial report, 1st trimester 2015
>All in all, development is mature enough to produce nightly builds of a
>and have a debootstrap and repository ready for testing by the a larger

>meanwhile, its all just a matter of time for the setup of some more public
>infrastructure. Meanwhile, the VUAs salute all the pioneers on this list

>are already happily experimenting and reporting their experiences!


Thanks for the update! It is great to see all the progress being made.

I was wondering if there is a set of instructions that would explain how to
build the current version of Devuan. I tried getting the original alpha
working in vagrant without success. I have also seen others posting about
how they got Devuan running on their computers, but I don't quite
understand how to follow the steps they took.

