:: Re: [Dng] Debian Dev: anti-systemd …
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Szerző: Nate Bargmann
Dátum: 2015-05-03 10:43 -000
Címzett: dng
Tárgy: Re: [Dng] Debian Dev: anti-systemd people hate women; thus respectable people should not support anti-systemd stance.
* On 2015 02 May 23:47 -0500, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Sat, 2 May 2015 09:03:30 -0700
> "DLL Hell" <trillodllhell@???> wrote:
> > For some reason the men in the Linux community who hate women the
> > most seem to have taken a dislike to systemd. I understand that being
> > “conservative” might mean not wanting changes to software as well as
> > not wanting changes to inequality in society but even so this
> > surprised me.
> First, the general, rhetorical question, for everybody (not for
> DLL-Hell): What is the motivation for a person to join the mailing list
> of an anti-systemd, pro-choice distro, and start spouting pro-systemd
> stuff? What kind of a use of time is that? Why do several people keep
> doing this? What could they possibly gain?
> These are rhetorical questions, of course: I hope this thread dies
> quickly, and that Mr. Hell is left to experience the silence of a
> breezeless rural Wisconsin summer afternoon.

Steve, DLL-Hell was quoting a blog post of Russell Coker and his reply
comments. The URL was ill formed but included at the top of his message
to this list:


As I still read Planet Debian from to time, I saw Russell's post in
Liferea and read about half before I lost interest. I didn't read far
enough to encounter his intellectual non sequitur equating a technical
objection to a piece of software to a social/legal/economic issue
championed by all manner of SJWs these days. Apparently anyone can jump
to a conclusion and be comfortable with it while pointing fingers at the
"other" side for doing the same. Everything in the email to this list
that shows etb: was written by Russell not DLL Hell as comparing the URL
above to the OP of this thread shows.

> But speaking of uses of time, to maximize mine, I did this:
> =========================================
> # Anti-systemd people hate women intellectual DLL Hell
> :0:
> * From.*trillodllhell@???
> * ^(To|Cc).*dng@???
> =========================================

I don't know who DLL Hell is, although I have suspicions. From that
post I really don't know his agenda as all but one or two sentences were
originally written by Russell Coker, a prominent Debian Developer. Your
recipe, although instructive (after 16 years of using it I really need
to get a better handle on Procmail), is, IMO, unfair to DLL Hell at this
time. Also, I doubt Russell will be posting here.

- Nate


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