:: Re: [Dng] [dng] FS structure: Was v…
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Autor: Laurent Bercot
Data: 2015-05-02 09:24 -000
A: dng
Assumpte: Re: [Dng] [dng] FS structure: Was vdev status updates
On 02/05/2015 10:52, marcxdv@??? wrote:
> ... confusing - it is unclear if he is arguing that departures from the
> standard should be entertained or not.

I am arguing that FHS includes good things and bad things, and that
good things should be followed and bad things should not. In other
words, I am encouraging the use of critical mind and thought over
blind acceptance or blind rebellion, which are two sides of the
same manicheism.

I followed by saying that the separation between /bin and /usr/bin
is one of the good recommendations of FHS, and that breaking it is
a horrible idea. That was the important part of my message.

> Maybe design is the incorrect phrase, maybe say "carefully evolved".

But it wasn't. It evolved in an empirical, darwinian manner, with
good results for some parts, less good results for others, and a
lot of legacy cruft.

Look, I don't like the FHS as a whole. It doesn't mean I disagree
with everything it says. It also doesn't mean I agree with people
who want to do stupid things like symlink /bin to /usr/bin.

We're all here because we disagree with the systemd clique's views,
even if our reasons may differ. Don't think I'm the enemy just because
I may object to something you say.
