On Sat, 18 Apr 2015 12:44:55 +0200
Anto <aryanto@???> wrote:
> Hello Jude,
> I have just tried to boot with vdev's initrd, wheezy init, example's
> init on /usr/share/initramds-tools, and only /etc/init.d/vdev on
> /etc/runlevel.conf but the result is the same, i.e. ends up at
> (initramfs) prompt.
I assume you mean an initramfs message, right? I've never seen a boot
prompting me for an initramfs file.
If my assumption is right, consider the following experiment...
* Make a copy of your initramfs
* gunzip it
* un-cpio it into a dir called initramfs
* edit initramfs/init
* Remove everything not absolutely essential
* On boot, tell grub to init to /bin/bash.
NOTE: If Jessie is one of the "new breed" in which /sbin is a symlink
of /usr/bin, make a copy of /bin/bash, /bin/sh, /bin/dash, etc, then
remove the symlink, copy those files to the real /bin, then add back
the symlink.
By removing everything but the most essential, which might boil down to
just a switchroot statement. By removing all this stuff, it makes it a
lot more likely you'll get through the whole initramfs' init, and if
not, make it a lot easier to find the problem.
By the way, see this for a minimal initramfs:
I wrote some docs on the subject here:
Steve Litt
April 2015 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting