:: Re: [Dng] [dng] vdev status update
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Skribent: Jaromil
Dato: 2015-04-15 11:54 -000
Til: Jude Nelson
CC: dng@lists.dyne.org
Emne: Re: [Dng] [dng] vdev status update

cheers to vdev!

On Tue, 14 Apr 2015, Jude Nelson wrote:
>    I'm using it as the device manager in my copy of the alpha Vagrant image,
>    and others have tested it locally (but not for booting, AFAIK).* I'm
>    working on getting it to boot the the qcow2 image, which boots from LVM.

FYI and to sync a bit on progress, Nextime is completing a total rebuild
of all packages for all target architectures via our CI. it took at
least 3 days for that, phew. I'm spinning nightlies and testing them
when I have time, they get packed with latest packages from our merged
repo and the last one of today (150415) is a pretty good one, available
on the temporary repository https://files.dyne.org/devuan

in case you prefer virtualbox its easy to convert the qcow2 nightlies to
that format using qemu-img and I confirm it works. I'm actually using
Devuan already as devops base system in one of my software projects
eheheh couldn't resist, its so nice to be able to continue to work
undisturbed without having to cope with the device renaming b-shit and
all that stuff that systemd is imposing...
