:: Re: [Dng] Fwd: [dng] vdev status u…
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Szerző: Anto
Dátum: 2015-04-14 19:18 -000
Címzett: dng
Tárgy: Re: [Dng] Fwd: [dng] vdev status update
On 14/04/15 20:46, Jude Nelson wrote:
> It just occurred to me that my reply wasn't CC'ed to the ML.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Jude Nelson* <judecn@??? <mailto:judecn@gmail.com>>
> Date: Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 2:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [Dng] [dng] vdev status update
> To: Anto <aryanto@??? <mailto:aryanto@chello.at>>
> Hi Anto, thank you for giving that a try!
>     I am not sure if at this stage, it is worth it to report the
>     problems that I have just experienced.

> Actually, every bit of feedback helps :)
>     I followed your 3 steps instruction to have vdev on the PC that I
>     am currently using for writing this email (HP EliteBook 8530w),
>     and surprisingly it does not work (yet) :) 

>     Before anyone ask: no, this is not a "production" PC as I have
>     been beating it up so bad in the last 3 years since I got it used
>     from the company I work for.

>     In the grub.cfg, I used the same set of files as the ones from the
>     running kernel generated by update-initramfs, except the initrd
>     that I took from the "example" directory under vdev source directory.

>     It booted the initrd, but just ended up on the (initramfs) prompt.
>     It is hard to get the error messages during boot. I tried to
>     record them using my mobile phone and the messages at the
>     beginning are the following:

>     Loading, please wait...
>     /init:  line 175:  resolve_device:  not found
>     00071:859055872:  [          vdev.c:0425] vdev_init:  ERROR:
>     vdev_config_load('/etc/vdev/vdevd.conf') rc = -2
>     00071:859055872:  [         main.c:0042]  main: ERROR:  vdev_init
>     rc = -2

>     <some messages that are too fast to be captured>

> It looks like the config file didn't get installed to the right
> place. Upon further inspection, it looks like I forgot to have the
> Makefile install the vdev init script as well (I had installed it
> manually in my VM). I'll add "create a generic device manager init
> script that works with udev, vdev, mdev, and static /dev" to my TODO
> list :)
> I pushed a fix to both git.devuan.org <http://git.devuan.org> and
> github.com <http://github.com>, if you're anxious to try it again (I
> tested it insofar as ensuring that it generates /etc/vdev properly,
> and it installs the vdev init script and removes the udev script links
> from /etc/rcS.d). I haven't tested it on my VM yet, though.
> Thanks again for giving this a go!
> -Jude

Hello Jude,

I have just done the following:

- remove /etc/vdev
- |git pull https://github.com/jcnelson/vdev|- remove /etc/vdev
- make clean
- compile and install libvdev, vdevd and example (step 1)
- for step 2, I need to use root account as otherwise I got the
following errors:

cp -a ./initramfs//* ./build/initramfs/
../tools//initramfs/mkinitramfs -t ./build/initramfs/ -o
./initrd.img-`uname -r`
/dev/sda1: Permission denied
/usr/sbin/iucode_tool: cpuid kernel driver unavailable, cannot scan
system processor signatures
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/vdev/example'

- copy initrd from example directory to /boot
- boot using the previous grub.cfg
- reboot my PC to use the initrd of vdev

There is no ERROR about missing vdev config but my PC still ends up at
(iniramfs) prompt.

