Szerző: Robert Storey Dátum: 2015-04-13 18:48 -000 Címzett: dng Tárgy: [Dng] Ubuntu 14.04, systemd by stealth
Hello all. As I've mentioned once or twice in the past, I'm currently
running Ubuntu 14.04, which is not the latest release but is a "long-term
support" release. It is/was systemd-free, which is the main reason why I've
been running it. Previously, I was using Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE),
which as the name implies, is based on Debian. However, an "upgrade"
resulted in LMDE becoming systemd-infected, which is why I switched to
Well, guess what? This morning I click on the "software update" icon, and I
see Ubuntu downloading first udev, followed by systemd-daemon. I quickly
stopped the download before the virus could install. I rebooted, and
checked, and I'm OK - no systemd installed. So I was saved at the last
However, this sneaky "systemd by stealth" technique is now in Ubuntu, as it
was in Debian Testing. It's getting harder and harder to avoid systemd.
So no more "updates" for me. I'm at the end of the line for Ubuntu. Devuan
cannot come soon enough!