Szerző: JeremyBekka C Dátum: 2015-04-09 22:30 -000 Címzett: dng Tárgy: [Dng] Would like to help with Devuan
I would like to say thanks to:
Robert Story, Shraptor, Nate Bargmann, KatolaZ, and Jude for your very
helpful advice. You gave me a lot to do and I look forward to start digging
in to the inner workings of the Linux OS.
I plan on doing the following:
1) Read through the PDF version of the Debian Reference Guide that I
downloaded in order to get a good over view of the whole OS.
2) I also plan on starting to learn the C language instead of Python, since
that seems to be more necessary in order to really understanding the nuts
and bolds of the system.
3) While I am reading the Debian Reference Guide, I am going to be looking
for any part of the system (eg. the init system, x11, etc.) that peaks my
interest and then try to understand all I can about that system before
starting on to the next.
4) Install Devuan when it is first released and try and do what I can to
help identify bugs and maybe give help in resolving them.