On 09/04/15 23:56, Laurent Bercot wrote: > On 09/04/2015 10:37, Jaromil wrote:
>> a -Dev list is there already, just not public and invite only.
> That's really a shame, because I would love to have access to that list -
> even read-only. Isn't it possible to open subscriptions while keeping
> posts moderated ? (posts from devs would be auto-approved, of course)
This +1. I don't need to post, and in fact it's probably better if I
don't, but I actually *really* want to see what is going on under the
bonnet. I joined the dng list for probably the same reasons everyone
else did. I want to *use* what is produced and even possibly contribute
(bug reports and patches I suppose are my limits). I do understand the
technical components, and I don't want to ask user level questions.
I will say I'm completely disillusioned by the quantity of pontificating
and bike-shedding that seems to dominate this list and I'd love to read
a list with actual technical substance.
Don't lock us out. Moderate us, or create a read-only gateway, but don't
isolate us. Please.